It’s snowing!

Snow!Snow in Daegu

Sly hosted a holiday party at his work today. I reluctantly (I dread small talk) went, lured mainly by the thought of gorging on lots of food. On the drive over it started to snow – the wet kind of snow that melts before it hits the ground. A couple hours later, and stuffed to maximum capacity, it snowed a little bit harder.

About an hour ago I peered out our window and watched as huge snowflakes swirled and danced around in the sky.

The snow is finally starting to stick and rooftops and mountain tops are now ever so slightly dusted with snow. Our little neck of the woods is starting to feel like a hybrid Korean city and ski resort town.

daegu | first snowdaegu | first snowdaegu | first snow

I don’t know what my problem is but I haven’t been able to get into the ‘holiday spirit’ this year. Not that I have ever been the type to play Christmas music or put up a tree the day after Thanksgiving anyway. I like the holidays enough but I guess it’s different when it’s not spent with family.

Today though — it felt nice and Christmas-y. The snow, the holiday party, the food… Maybe I’ll actually get around to making hot cocoa and putting up our dinky fake silver table top tree.

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  • Karen
    December 17, 2015 at 2:02 pm

    I know how you feel, when I was living in Alaska I caught the worst sinus infection of my life – it was literally coming out of my eyes. (sorry, tmi). I was going to spend Christmas with friends in Seattle – less than a 3 hour plane ride away, but was too sick to go (and I’m not a good flyer anyway) so I basically boycotted Christmas. I did find some joy on spending loads of money on Alaska themed gifts, wrapping them, and sending packages back home, if it helps.

    At least you have snow! It was 76 degrees in Charlotte, North Carolina. I have learned to not expect snow, but it’s usually in the 40s this time of year! I guess I shouldn’t complain about mild temps, but it’s a little off!

  • Funnelcloud Rachel
    December 18, 2015 at 10:57 am

    Not in the Christmas spirit over here either. No tree, no cookies, no cards, no music. Oh well. And as Karen said, it’s crazy warm on the east coast – been in the 70s in VA (!!!). I’m not complaining at all because I hate winter, but it definitely doesn’t help make things feel Christmas-y.

    That being said, there’s something exciting about snow when you’re living abroad! Snuggling up with the kitties and watching snow fall from inside a cozy apartment doesn’t sound so bad!

  • Funnelcloud Rachel
    December 18, 2015 at 10:58 am

    Oh, and the MERRY CHRITMAS card totally made my day! Hilarious!

  • veronika
    December 19, 2015 at 12:30 pm

    I do enjoy the snow this time of year. Wish it would snow more so I could finally get in the mood. I feel like every year, juuust ad I’m about to get into it, it’s over.

  • veronika
    December 19, 2015 at 12:32 pm

    It’s definitely cool watching the snow especially from my vantage point high up and with a view of the mountains. It doesn’t snow too much in the city but it’s really making me want to find a cabin somewhere snowy-er!

  • veronika
    December 21, 2015 at 12:47 pm

    the last one is … wow.

    i’m kind of partial to this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LS-ErOKpO4E