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    DAEGU EATS | Date Night: Sushi Last and 스타워즈

    daegu eats | sushi last daegu eats | sushi last daegu eats | sushi last

    Towards the middle of fall we sort of got the blues. Maybe it was the normal progression of living abroad, somewhere between the excitement of living in a new country and realizing we wouldn’t be home for the holidays this year and feeling the tiniest pangs of homesickness because of it. We had explored a good amount of Korea and with the newness wearing off we were now feeling wanderlust to explore other countries. And in between it all there was life: the daily grind of it with the same stresses and worries that follow no matter where one lives.

    All this to say we have been in something of a slump and we soon realized that the best way for us to get out of said slump was to get out and explore, to try all the places we’ve been meaning to try…to eat lots of sushi…

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