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  • HOME

    a new home

    . It's crazy to both of us that this is our home now. That we have a fridge that makes ice. That automatically dispenses ice! That we don't have to parallel…


    D.C. bound.

    It’s official, we are D.C. bound! Over our honeymoon, Sly received an offer to work for a government agency in Washington D.C. area. I initially had my reservations about leaving San…


    looking forward to…

    …house hunting. ng and i have been sending each other links back and forth. one had a pretty busted kitchen, and some wicker around the front porch area that looked like…


    just visiting

    “you can always come back and visit,” people have told me. ya, but it’s not the same as having a home in the city that you can come home to. Visiting, whether…


    offer accepted

    NG accepted the offer as presented today for the DC job. After this, a series of tests, and then I guess we can set a date. I’m freaking out just a bit.…


    Fork in the Road

    Hello Journal that I haven’t posted in for a year (maybe longer)? It’s 5am, and I need a place to write. I can’t sleep. My life is changing. We decided today to move to…


    another goodbye

    I’m not trying to write a eulogy, because I realize they are not dead. And logically, of course, real friendships continue despite distance and all that. Right now, we’re all…


    printers & pots

    I’m not the most organized person, I’ll admit. I also have a hard time sorting between what I need and what I don’t. But, after this move, I have wanted nothing…


    All moved in, no place to go

    We are moved in to our little house in Glen Park, and I must say I’m a bit overwhelmed. It’s been a rocky week since NG moved out here, mostly bc…