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life changes


    week 2

    Its a little less overwhelming, even though I feel like there’s still a ton that I don’t know how to do. I guess I will learn soon enough, though. I still…



    At approximately 4:15 pm today, my boss’ boss asked me to come with her into the main conference room because “they” wanted to speak with me. “They” would be the board…


    and so it begins

    resume: posted for both dc, sf, and wildcard: austin apt: started to interview and show the place bf: exhausting all resources fingers crossed…


    changes are inevitable

    the roomies: after 2.5 years, one of our roomies is leaving to move in with “the love of his life.” It was an inevitable outcome, as we haven’t seen him much…



    night after night, I have been having dreams where I search for my dad, as if on some impossible treasure hunt. One night, i dreamed I was standing in his tool…


    moving on

    He whom we love and lose is no longer where he was before. He is now wherever we are. –St. John Chrysostorn…


    Time of death: 10:02 am

    Just notified manager. Her face was classic – plastered smile with quivering lips. Her eyes became a litte reddened, but she was impressive in how she could maintain her level of…



    The past weekend was the first time in months (a year)? where I didn’t worry about what Monday would bring. Tonight – I just feel calm. This is from my bathroom…



    if i take this job, my start date will be may 8. That gives me about a week of vacay between jobs. question: where should I go? 1. I could visit…