Browsing Tag

corporate whore


    and the search goes on…

    boy updates to come, but right now, Im my #1 focus is getting the hell out of here. Thanks to mtek I have been motivated to apply, apply, apply and post…


    as expected

    my manager is an asshole. Instead of thanking me for staying late and busting my ass, this is the email me and my team gets: The overtime policy has previously been…



    can someone stab me and put me out of my misery? Work is driving me crazy. The people here are crazy. ARG! At any rate, i was looking up job stuff…



    what a shitty fucking day. black friday. friday the 13th.…



    ummmm…. so today was my Office Crush’s last day of work. Ive been on a 3-week photo shoot, so I have been in and out of the office. I ended up…


    spreading the mojo

    Ever since I’ve been back, my attitude has been infectious. When I walked into work the other day, after Beaker kissed me on the cheek, my coworkers instantly recognized something different…



    i really do not want to pack. or work. or go to this stupid class thing tomorrow. anyway– today me and gisele goofed off at work, procrastinating the inevitable. We both…


    other peoples blogs

    I have so many friends with blogs. Their friends and friends of friends. They all really suck. Im not saying mine is awesome, in fact, Im sure its not, but at…


    part 2 of the madness

    Today became even more strange. At 4pm, I went head to head with the new girl and then gathered up The bulldog and left the office. We got on the bus…