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breaking point



    after about 3 weeks, I finally got my car back from the shop. Everything seemed to be in tip top shape (although weird that one side of my car looks brand new while the other…not so much). I parked it in the garage, but didn’t lock my door bc its a monitored garage. All is well until I lock the door. I noticed that the door hadn’t closed all the way, setting off my stupid beeping automatic lock. I tried to open the door with my key. Nothing. Tried the auto lock again. Nothing. Finally the door just opens on its own, as if possessed.

    When I try to close it, I realize the lock is somehow jammed, and the door won’t shut properly. Its kind of sticky, so its not like it was swinging open wildly, but still, I had to totally drive flinstone style – one hand pulling the door shut. God, so fucking annoying. Now I have to take it back and get that fixed. Guess theres no sample sale for me this weekend.

    And now Im all paranoid that my door is going to swing open during the night and some fucknut is going to hit it off the hinges.

    Sigh. Can I just get something to go right for once? yeah, that would be great. thanks.