
finally cut my hair, formerly known as my rats nest. i think i lost about 3 pounds from all the hair that I lost. I cant decide if I look younger or older, but I will admit that i was annoyed that I didnt get carded today when I bought wine. Maybe it was b/c the guy behind the counter was just barely 21 and kind of nervous/shakey handed, or maybe i really do look old.

oh well. i like my haircut.

went to dinner at Miss M’s place. I was the only non-couple there, which was weird at first, but not so bad. The other couple, besides Miss M and her hubby, were this girl and her girlfriend. They had a very interesting dynamic, I must say–not at all what I would envision as a lesbian relationship. I really have no idea what that means–it was just interesting to see two girls in a long term relationship interact. I was a bit curious, is all.

After dessert, and after making easter eggs, we sat in the living room (Miss M’s hubby wisely went to bed at an earlier hour) and talked about boys and shoes and movies we’d seen. Once again, I presented my dating case to a couple of fresh ears, and after a few moments of contemplation; of running through their lists of eligibles, they concluded that there was really nobody they would set me up with.

So that about exhausts all my sources. Pretty sad that I cant find anyone to date even though Ive met so many new friends from so many different groups/scenes.

at least i get my attention in indirect relationships, i.e. DJ. Hes going to flip his lid when he sees my hair tomorrow. heh. at least i get that, i guess.

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