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    One more thing:

    At 6:44am, when I took my last look and locked the door, the scrappy gray cat I’ve been feeding showed up. I was walking around the apartment, marveling at the echo of my voice, and had left the door slightly ajar. When I looked at the door opening, I noticed 2 tiny paws tentatively stepping onto the carpet. She has never tried to come in, not once the entire time I’ve fed her.

    When I saw her, I became sad. She didn’t run away this time when I came near her, she just stared at me as if she knew. Quietly, she followed me to my car and waited while I pulled out of the drive way for the last time. While she usually is always meowing or hissing or making some sort of cat noise, she sat there so still and so patiently.

    I think that if she could have waved goodbye, she would have.

    goodbye cat.


    final bow

    When I looked at the countertop, now a clean blue plane, I saw Max and me carving his first pumpkin one Halloween. I saw my computer with me in front of…