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    6:33 AM

      There are a lot of memories from that day, but I don’t want to remember him that way. I’d rather remember his life, not his death. I’ve re-posted the eulogy…


    and so this is christmas

    I know–its just another day. The magic has long-since been lost, and the constant badgering of fake holiday cheer perpetuated by greedy retailers and incessant radio play of christmas songs has…


    moving on

    He whom we love and lose is no longer where he was before. He is now wherever we are. –St. John Chrysostorn…


    dear dad

    I don’t know why but I feel like I can communicate with you like this. Maybe it’s all in my head. You just don’t feel gone. Everything is just the way…


    From my dad’s service

    My dad’s funeral will be held Friday, October 27 at 1pm at Arlington National Cemetery. We had a funeral service in Houston as well, for those who couldn’t make it. The…


    Eulogy for Dad

    I gave this eulogy today at my dad’s funeral service. I have been dreading writing and speaking since I got it in my head that I was going to do it.…