Roller skate party!

sly's bday

Party favors included ring pops, TMNT tatoos, glow-in-the-dark bracelets, pixi sticks, stickers and a bunch of other vintage candy.

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We celebrated Sly’s bday this past Friday with friends and family at a roller skating rink out in the middle of nowhere (where have all the roller rinks gone?) 1970s/80s dress code was encouraged but of course we were the only ones to really show up looking like fools. Or so we thought. Strangely nobody at the rink gave us a second glance and Sly told me it was because 80s was now back in style and we were probably considered ‘cool’ now. That’s what I will choose to believe anyway.

Being at the rink was a trip down memory lane — I don’t think anyone in attendance had put on quad skates or been to a rink in decades — but once our rentals were on and the music was blaring, and our glow bracelets were glowing it was like old times. Sly may have turned a year older that day but we felt like a bunch of young kids chasing each other around the rink and trying hard not to fall or tumble into other people.

We ate greasy overpriced roller rink pizza, held hands during the slow songs, and of course took photos in the photo booth. I tried to take photos while in the rink but was reprimanded by a referee outfit-wearing kid who was most likely half my age. One little girl, confused by our attire, asked me if we were “trying to be twins.” I said no. She stared at me quizzically, “but then why are you dressed like that.” I replied, “Just for fun I guess.” I don’t think that answer really satisfied her because she skated away with a perplexed look on her face. By the end of the night as they were playing the last few songs we couldn’t believe we had been skating for almost three hours!

After changing back into our ‘normal clothes’ the festivities continued at chill bar near our house that we have been meaning to try for some time. Sly and M became BFFs with the bartender while me and the sis tried to avoid talking to some old drunk dude. At the end of the evening we found ourselves singing along to old Sugar Ray songs and catching the end of the Virginia – MSU basketball game. To further commemorate the night the bartender gave Sly a 40th anniversary pint glass with the bars name etc on the front. It was totally like being 21 again – if only we had that glass at the beginning of the night…

Happy Bday + some Sly. XOXOXOXO

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