Mr. Potato Head

A quick post before I attempt to tackle some photos for (hopefully) an upcoming post on Japan…

Sly left right after New Year’s Day and flew back to California for some work training. I didn’t tag along this time because I would rather save our money and travel somewhere we haven’t been. Plus, someone had to take care of the kitties.

rufus aureliusrufus aureliusrufus aureliusrufus aureliusThis face kills me every time. Squuueeeeeeaaaazzzzeeeeeeeeeeeee.

The week started off like most every other time Sly has been out of town. I resorted to a strict diet of cheetos and cookies, stocked up on books to read, and caught up on Real Housewives of Atlanta. Unsurprisingly, I felt disgusting after my binge and have since been eating extremely clean. My body is slloooowwly remembering what it was like to eat something besides baked bread and cookies. What can you do though? Holidays…

Instead of cookies (and cake, and chocolate, and ice cream) I have been getting my ‘sugar fix’ by eating roasted Korean sweet potatoes (goguma/고구마).They are smaller, redder, firmer, sweeter, and so much better than the huge mealy sweet potatoes I’m used to seeing back home. In the colder months you can smell sweet potatoes roasting all over the city, a smell I find so comforting and have grown to love. Can you tell I love sweet potatoes? They are one of my most favorite Korean snacks.

Guess who else loves sweet potatoes? 

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  • Funnelcloud Rachel
    January 14, 2016 at 10:14 pm

    Ha! I was hoping you’d post an update on your ‘bachelorette life’ while Sly was traveling! 😉

    I’m intrigued by the Korean sweet potatoes, especially because we have an accidental surplus of sweet potatoes (the big mealy American kind!) and have been making all the sweet potato recipes this month – my fav African peanut stew, “Thai” sweet potato curry, roasted Mediterranean sweet potatoes, and tonight…sweet potato burritos!

  • veronika
    January 15, 2016 at 9:55 am

    “Bachelorette Life” omg – more like the life of a 10yr old left at home without parents. Have you noticed I stopped making lists? They are practically always the same (like New Year’s resolutions) that I don’t even bother anymore. And like New Year’s resolutions I never keep to them so…

    I think you can find Korean sweet potatoes at one of the H-mart’s near you? I think there’s one in Merrifield and one in Fairfax. I don’t know if they are actually “Korean” sweet potatoes or “Japanese” sweet potatoes. (Are they the same thing?) Just look for the red potatoes that are white on the inside. I think the smaller the potato, the sweeter they are. I’m not sure how they would translate to your savory recipes though (I might need to google some of those) because the taste is quite a bit sweeter than the “American” ones. I usually roast the potatoes and eat them plain. Or slice them thin so that they get really crispy.

  • Funnelcloud Rachel
    January 15, 2016 at 10:35 am

    I’ll definitely look for the potatoes next time I’m in H-Mart!

    Now I want to see a Day in the Life post, Home Alone edition…

  • veronika
    January 15, 2016 at 11:41 am

    omg it would be so boring. It’s seriously not much more than as described in this post: read, eat cheetos (now replaced with sweet potatoes 🙁 ) and watch reality TV that Sly would never watch with me. For some reason I always I think I’ll be so productive when Sly isn’t around but then the opposite ends up being true.

  • Kevin
    January 15, 2016 at 11:42 am


    Keeping Good Thoughts…