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    This Past Month

    my cousin's traditional vietnamese wedding and harry potter reception

    We should be lying on the beach in Hawaii right now, but we’re not. Our trip was canceled last minute. Of course, this was right after I bought tickets, which, of course, were only partially refundable.

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  • ETC

    Notes | So Far this Summer

    Our summer kicked off with a trip to Laos over Memorial Day and was followed by traveling around Mongolia for the majority of July. Summer hasn't consisted solely of big trips…

  • ETC

    Notes | February in 10 Photos

    February was filled with many sunny winter days spent walking, eating, and exploring, with jackets left unzipped and hats and gloves tucked away in bags, just in case. I've never been…

  • ETC

    Notes | January in 10 Photos

    It's hard to believe that the first couple of weeks of January were spent back in the States, while the latter half were spent here in Korea. It almost seems as…


    Notes | November in 10 Photos

    Fall is usually my most favorite time of the year, but this November was a bit of a strange month. First, the election... And then I spent the first half of…

  • ETC

    Snapshots of Summer

    A few highlights from this past summer: We met up with an old friend and ate our way around Hong Kong. camped at a remote beach camp site, attended our first…

  • ETC

    Korean Life | The Best Invention Ever

    Behold the magnificent high-tech piece of modern-day machinery that is the electric mosquito racket, aka mosquito zapper, aka the most satisfying thing we own, aka the best invention ever. It is the…