By the Time I Wake Up, There Will be a New President

election day

Well, not really. Though technically it will be November 9, and I will have (thankfully) slept through the final mad stages of this crazy election and wake up just in time to see the results…

… that is, providing the results are uncontested …

election day

The benefits of living abroad: I tuned out about 99% of the election stuff (I watched the debates and Triumph’s election specials online, but avoided pretty much everything else) and voting early. We received our ballots a couple months ago and cast our votes early last month. It was my first time voting absentee, and while I loved how easy it was, I have to admit I sort of miss standing in line in the cold outside some random person’s garage to vote. (Just kidding. I didn’t miss that at all. From now on, remind me to always vote absentee.)

I’ll spare everyone my thoughts on the candidates as I’m sure that by this point everyone is up to their eyeballs in various news and social media outlets arguing vehemently for one candidate over the other. Let’s just say I believe in a person’s right to choose, even if that choice is different than my own.

Besides, if it were really up to me, I’d vote for my kitties as president and vice president. Cupcakes (Max’s choice) and bacon (Rufie’s pick) for everyone!

max for president

Update: Whoa. Election. I woke up thinking the results would have more or less been decided and now, over 16hrs later, I’m still watching election coverage.

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  • Kevin
    November 9, 2016 at 12:15 pm

    Buying my vote with cupcakes and bacon is morally wrong but personally encouraged.

    Keeping Good Thoughts…

  • veronika
    November 9, 2016 at 12:16 pm

    Max says he’s willing to throw in pizza too

  • Kevin
    November 10, 2016 at 11:33 am

    You had me at cupcake.

    Keeping Good Thoughts…